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File List  |  1995-10-02  |  17KB  |  236 lines

  1. BIBLN471.ZIP   290869  06-14-95  BIBL NET v4.71. Netbios version Simple-to-
  2.                                | use online catalog for your personal
  3.                                | library; menu-driven; extensive indexing
  4.                                | for fast retrieval; produces brief
  5.                                | annotated full bibliographies.
  6. CHK4NET2.ZIP   375957  05-01-95  Chk4Net replaces the Startup group function
  7.                                | by starting different programs based on
  8.                                | any of these circumstances presence of any
  9.                                | network, different users on same computer,
  10.                                | selective startup, and auto start of
  11.                                | multiple programs. As each program
  12.                                | executes, it can start automatically or
  13.                                | the user can be asked to skip or run. Req.
  14.                                | VBRUN300 
  15. COMROUTE.ZIP    63152  04-18-95  ComRoute allows a number of workstations
  16.                                | attached to a Novell network to share a
  17.                                | modem or other serial (RS-232) device
  18.                                | attached to a COM port. The baud rate in
  19.                                | this version is limited to 9600. [WINDOWS]
  20. DMLOGN74.ZIP   173206  05-07-95  DMlogin Powerful Easy Login Utility. A
  21.                                | great network login utility for all types
  22.                                | of networks. Works especially well with
  23.                                | NetWare. Keeps your users in a controlled
  24.                                | environment until network login is
  25.                                | successfully accomplished. Good looking,
  26.                                | professional, and needed. Administrators
  27.                                | try it; you won't be sorry. Small; easy
  28.                                | setup; powerful results; 0K overhead;
  29.                                | secure; knows NetWare; much more.
  30. DSPBIN10.ZIP     8598  04-24-95  DispBind v1.00. NetWare utility that gives
  31.                                | some information on the object logged in
  32.                                | using the current connection information
  33. EMAIL400.ZIP    52229  05-07-95  Email v4.00 for Windows. Network e-mail
  34.                                | program that sends text messages, attaches
  35.                                | files, pop up notification (you can turn
  36.                                | if off), archive messages, creates
  37.                                | distribution lists, etc 
  38. FSL201.ZIP     245281  07-01-95  FSLOGIN v2.01 ASP Full Screen Login
  39.                                | is a menu controlled login program for
  40.                                | users of Novell NetWare
  41.                                | FSLOGIN supports Novell NetWare version
  42.                                | 2.x, 3.x and 4.x, including NDS
  43.                                | Publisher: Confirm, The Netherlands
  44. IUP304.ZIP      65175  04-05-95  INIUPDate v3.04 for Windows. INI updater
  45.                                | for Network Administrators 
  46. JMAIL20.ZIP    226022  04-27-95  JunkMail v2.0 Novell Network E-Mail program.
  47.                                | JunkMail delivers a complete mail system
  48.                                | that includes batch send lists, urgent
  49.                                | delivery, return receipts, WordPerfect
  50.                                | document import, and file attachments
  51.                                | JunkMail uses Novell bindery information
  52.                                | including the print queues, user lists,
  53.                                | and the Novell Broadcast function.
  54.                                | Requires a Color monitor and a Novell
  55.                                | Network 
  56. KALI10WB.ZIP    31121  04-26-95  Kali 1.0wb Kali is a network driver which
  57.                                | allows virtually any application software
  58.                                | designed for use with the IPX protocol to
  59.                                | be used over a TCP IP network Designed
  60.                                | primarily for use with network games, Kali
  61.                                | has been successfully tested with Descent,
  62.                                | DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic Rise of the Triad,
  63.                                | and VR Pool Other software should also
  64.                                | work as long as it uses IPX. Download Kali
  65.                                | and start putting your Internet connection
  66. LANYEL21.ZIP    29826  06-14-95  Utility to allow YELLing for the sysop
  67.                                | across a LAN connection to Maximus. Will
  68.                                | also work as a replacement YELL on a
  69.                                | standalone system 
  70. LI32UIDP.ZIP   309137  04-14-95  LAN Inventory 3.20 patch file 4 11 95
  71.                                | WLAI.EXE-fixes problem associated with
  72.                                | configuring audit process to collect
  73.                                | unidentified software Requires LAN
  74.                                | Inventory 3.20 
  75. LISTSRV2.ZIP   119295  05-10-95  List Server is an "autoresponder" for MS
  76.                                | Mail 3.0 or higher. It allows incoming
  77.                                | mail to trigger a response where the PC
  78.                                | running List Server will match text in the
  79.                                | incoming message to a list of "nicknames"
  80.                                | you have defined It will then e-mail files
  81.                                | back to the sender. Requires VBRUN300 
  82. MLOG_210.ZIP    82782  05-30-95  MLOG v2.10. LAN event-logging utility. Logs
  83.                                | peak network utilization 
  84. MRED.ZIP       364247  05-01-95  MailRed is a add-on for Microsoft Mail and
  85.                                | Windows for Workgroups that can redirect
  86.                                | messages from a mailbox to another address.
  87.                                | It preserves the sender's address and is
  88.                                | fully message driven
  89. MSEND.ZIP      196463  05-15-95  MailSend is a addon for Microsoft Mail and
  90.                                | Windows for Workgroups. that allows you to
  91.                                | send messages from the command line or
  92.                                | from batch files 
  93. MTWIN20.ZIP     97895  05-15-95  MTWIN is a small DOS based prg. which lets
  94.                                | you modify any kind of INI-Files and GRP-
  95.                                | Files from the DOS commandline. Usefull
  96.                                | for networks just place it in the login-
  97.                                | script New Version 2.00 Create new section,
  98.                                | add or modify key & values
  99.                                | Delete,Comments,Uncomments keys and
  100.                                | sections Global replace of strings
  101.                                | supported Supports PROGMAN.INI,SYSTEM.INI
  102.                                | You can use environment variables Change
  103. M_AWAY20.ZIP   276239  04-20-95  MailAway lets you transfer files directly
  104.                                | from your PC to another computer at a
  105.                                | remote location. Using a simple drag and
  106.                                | drop interface, it can dial the romote
  107.                                | station, transfer selected files, and pick
  108.                                | up any files waiting for you. [WINDOWS 
  109. NCM_SWE.ZIP     16271  06-07-95  Network Connection Manager allows users to
  110.                                | disconnect and unshare network resources,
  111.                                | login and logoff from the network, and
  112.                                | display connected drives printers and
  113.                                | active servers in the network. Requires
  114.                                | VBRUN300 
  115. NETERM20.ZIP   299641  06-04-95  NetTerm v2.0. Telnet emulator with Zmodem
  116.                                | Network terminal which supports both the
  117.                                | ethernet telnet protocol and normal dial
  118.                                | up RS-232 modem protocol 
  119. NETHLP.ZIP      21495  05-31-95  The Network Help Centre provides easy
  120.                                | access for network PC users to a range of
  121.                                | text and Windows help-file resources. This
  122.                                | version allows you to display up to five
  123.                                | news, FAQ or notice board files 
  124. NETTIME.ZIP    144536  04-17-95  Net-Time v1.0 This program allows you to
  125.                                | synchronize to time of your Novell NetWare
  126.                                | file servers to that of the National
  127.                                | Bureau of Standard's clock Requires
  128.                                | VBRUN300.DLL Shareware $15 
  129. NETUTILS.ZIP    16621  04-26-95  Network Utility Suite allows the use of a
  130.                                | basic E-Mail system and "chat modes via
  131.                                | most standard network system. Requires
  132.                                | Windows and VBRUN200 
  133. NEUNET11.ZIP   312732  07-10-95  Neu-Net allows you to train and test neural
  134.                                | networks in the Windows environment. Ten
  135.                                | sample projects are included. Requires
  136.                                | VBRUN300 
  137. NRA60RD0.ZIP   316843  04-07-95  NetRemote LAN 6.00 4 07 95 McAfee,Inc Async
  138.                                | (modem) remote ctrl & access file transfer
  139.                                | EVALUATION Version.Req: Win 3.1X, NW3 4
  140.                                | Disk 0 McAfee Documentation & Info 
  141. NRA60RD1.ZIP   945682  04-07-95  NetRemote LAN 6.00 4 07 95 McAfee,Inc Async
  142.                                | (modem) remote ctrl & access file transfer
  143.                                | EVALUATION Version.Req: Win 3.1X, NW3 4
  144.                                | Disk 1 
  145. NRA60RD2.ZIP   489306  04-07-95  NetRemote LAN 6.00 4 07 95 McAfee,Inc Async
  146.                                | (modem) remote ctrl & access file transfer
  147.                                | EVALUATION Version.Req: Win 3.1X, NW3 4
  148.                                | Disk 2 
  149. NRA60_D0.ZIP   378578  04-19-95  NetRemote Async 6.00 4 19 95 McAfee,Inc
  150.                                | Async (modem) remote ctrl & access file
  151.                                | transfer EVALUATION Version.Req: Win 3.1X,
  152.                                | NW3 4 Disk 0 McAfee Documentation & Info 
  153. NSH_211E.ZIP   405722  05-24-95  McAfee NetShield 2.1.1 Netware Loadable
  154.                                | Module for Novell 3.1x 4.x servers. Scans
  155.                                | and protects servers from known and new
  156.                                | viruses. 04 19 95 
  157. NWMESNGR.ZIP   295338  05-15-95  NetWork Messenger allows Windows
  158.                                | workstations connected to a Local Area
  159.                                | Network to view a message from the System
  160.                                | Administrator. This message is
  161.                                | automatically displayed at Windows startup
  162.                                | time. It will remain on top of the screen
  163.                                | until closed by the user 
  164. NWSC.ZIP         6928  05-19-95  Netware Screen Cycler 1.02s is a Netware
  165.                                | NLM which cycles through all the screen
  166.                                | savers on a server. (Stephen Smith)
  167.                                | (Reg.Fee: $10) 
  168. N_EMAIL.ZIP     53159  07-05-95  Network Email is an electronic mail system
  169.                                | for Windows. Features include text
  170.                                | messages, pop-up mail notification,
  171.                                | distribution lists, and more. You can
  172.                                | attach a document program, or picture file
  173.                                | to any message. Messages can also be
  174.                                | archived for future reference Requires
  175.                                | VBRUN300 
  176. PCNT310A.ZIP   317880  04-26-95  PCOUNTER 3.x A page counting print server
  177.                                | for Novell. Counts pages on Postscript and
  178.                                | PCL printers, and contains many features
  179.                                | too numerous to mention here. Use PCOUNTER
  180.                                | on a dedicated station (EXE) or on the
  181.                                | file server NLM 
  182. POWWOW15.ZIP    98852  06-06-95  Powwow v1.5 for Windows. Up to 5 people can
  183.                                | chat, exchange files as a group 
  184. SHWUSR20.ZIP    11505  04-24-95  ShowUser v2.00. NetWare utility that gives
  185.                                | some information on the object logged in
  186.                                | using the current connection information
  187.                                | This information is displayed to the
  188.                                | screen and to a file, name login id, in
  189.                                | the current directory 
  190. SPCWATC2.ZIP    63421  05-21-95  Space Watch v1.2. Lan disk monitoring
  191.                                | utility 
  192. STPE301.ZIP    171759  07-13-95  Stomper version 3.00. Modem ISDN sharing
  193.                                | DOS and Windows. Requires IPX or Netbios
  194.                                | based Network. Use one or more modems or
  195.                                | ISDN adaptors from all stations in your
  196.                                | network Includes NLM-Versions for use with
  197.                                | NetWare fileserver. Also supports CAPI for
  198.                                | DOS
  199. TRIST314.ZIP   143707  07-20-95  Tristero is a mailing list manager for
  200.                                | cc:mail. It provides ListServ
  201.                                | functionality for cc:mail including auto
  202.                                | subscript unsubscript, message archiving,
  203.                                | passwords, list moderation mail digests,
  204.                                | etc. It also acts as a client to remote
  205.                                | Internet mailing lists and ccmail BBSs
  206.                                | reducing bandwidth use 
  207. UDPPORT.ZIP     29765  06-29-95  UDPPort Control facilitates UDP datagram)
  208.                                | communications. It can act both as a
  209.                                | client and a server, and can communicate
  210.                                | with any number of hosts simultaneously,
  211.                                | as well as generate broadcast packets 
  212. UNGAM11S.ZIP    76075  05-11-95  N O G A M E S A T W O R K Have you ever
  213.                                | considered how many employee working hours
  214.                                | are wasted playing PC games? What about
  215.                                | network performance degradation and wasted
  216.                                | disk space? YOU could achieve substantial
  217.                                | savings if you COULD REMOVE GAMES FROM
  218.                                | YOUR NETWORK. UNGAME can search, detect
  219.                                | and optionally delete games from your
  220.                                | network server's disk or from individual
  221.                                | disks (C drives). The shareware version
  222. VDS30U.ZIP     334679  07-11-95  Virus Detection System 3.0u is an anti-
  223.                                | virus package with Novell Netware LAN
  224.                                | support. It features a fast scanner,
  225.                                | integrity checker, decoy launcher, and a
  226.                                | generic virus remover. The program will
  227.                                | scan your system for viruses and create a
  228.                                | fingerprint of all system areas and
  229.                                | executable files. It will then check the
  230.                                | system at scheduled intervals and notify
  231.                                | you of any suspicious modifications.
  232. WNTIME.ZIP      46119  04-18-95  WIN NetTime 4.0 allows you set the date and
  233.                                | time on a local PC from your NetWork
  234.                                | server with a click of the mouse button
  235.                                | Resources.Reg. VBRUN300.DLL 